Unity project showing how to stream voice recordings in real-time to Bing Speech and LUIS model for natural language understanding to control properties of 3D objects in HoloLens or Virtual Reality.

Ibex dashboard is an open source web app for displaying telemetry data from Application Insights. It comes with a number of sample templates including analytics dashboards for Bots. If you’re developing a bot and you want to see how your bot is performing over time then you can select the Bot Instrumentation template which requires you to enter your Application Insights App Id and App Key. Also depending on your bot you will need to add Node.js instrumentation or C# instrumentation in order to enable logging to Application Insights. Then after a couple of minutes you will start to see...

Previously I’ve looked at using Azure App Services for Unity, which provided a backend for Unity applications or games using Easy Tables and Easy APIs. But what if I wanted to lift and shift heavier data such as audio files, image files, or Unity Asset Bundles binaries? For storing these types of files, I would be better using Azure Blob storage. Recently I created an Azure Blob storage demo project in Unity to show how to save and load these various asset types in Unity. One of the exciting new applications for Unity is developing VR, AR or MR experiences...

When it comes to working as a team on the same project we are all thankful for source control. But even if you’re cool with git there are some things to be aware of when starting new source controlled Unity projects that should help to reduce the chance of nasty merge conflicts. Solo Scenes Something to generally avoid in Unity is working on the same scene. Thats why the question of how to merge a scene when a team of developers are working on it is a fairly hot topic. One basic strategy is for each person to clone the...

