If you’ve ever needed to debug Cordova web apps on iOS and Android it can be quite an awful experience for a web developer. Since working on Postcard web app I’ve found a couple of neat tips to help make sense of those noisy debug logs. From localhost to native land Designing and developing in localhost is familiar territory to web developers and so it makes sense to try and get as much work done there as possible. But when you need to use the physical hardware features of a mobile platform the only way to see if things really...

Building for iOS can be very time consuming. Every time you make changes to a Cordova web app you need to do a cordova build to update the app project. Then you have to go into Xcode to debug on device. But if you don’t need to make changes to native code and you only need to update web elements like HTML, Javascript, image and media files then you can save time by just updating those bits. I’ve made a Hotwire IPA bash script to replace the ‘www’ web app folder with the updated directory. All you need to do...

State of play If you’ve followed my previous Unity3d Azure tutorials I’ve covered two well known Unity Azure plugins - Prime31 and Bitrave. Bitrave had better multi-platform support, however it required the ‘JSON.NET’ paid asset to support iOS and Android. But then there was issues with iOS AOT compiler. Because of this I decided to start a new Azure Mobile Services library for Unity3d to support multi-platforms like Unity3d - iOS, Android and Windows without need for paid plugins. Using Azure Mobile Services in Unity3d You can drop the Unity3dAzure libraryinto your existing Unity project or try out the demo...

Like many developers out there I started out coding for the web. So you might think it would be easier to develop a web app than a native app, right? The short answer is no… but web app development is getting better and the performance gap is closing. Thoughts on web app vs native app development Delivering a world-class UX is the main reason to opt for native development. Web app performance has quite some way to go especially on the vast majority of low spec devices. For example even if you get your web app running at a buttery...

